
Monday, September 9, 2013

New Music!

I have found a new favorite artist!

I think everyone should know about her!! Her name is Gabrielle Aplin. Her voice is so light and effortless and I love it.

This is a single of hers called "Home."

It's awesome.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Summer talk

So.......I once decided I was going to blog.......I failed miserably.

Anyways, I'll start over!

Here's what's been going on in my life:

Summer came and went and I started grad school this week. I'm really excited, but also quite nervous. I guess I just thought it would be an extension of undergrad type classes for two years and then I would be done! I couldn't have been more wrong. You see, grad school classes require a lot more work. Seems logical, but for some reason it didn't really click with me until this past week. About midway through the week I was really discouraged and was sure I would fail all my classes and get kicked out of the program and end up homeless in a couple of years. (I tend to fall prey to catastrophic thinking) But now it's Sunday and I've survived a full week with only a few minor hiccups! This is going to be a rough two years, but I have confidence that, with the help of God and my people, I will get through it and be the best counselor I can be!

I got a new job! In a bakery/coffee shop! It has absolutely nothing to do with my future career, but it's a job, and I get right now that's all that matters.

Annnnnnnd I've officially read 46 books out of my goal of reading 50 books this year! I'm excited! =) I've literally never finished a new year's resolution! So the fact that I'm definitely going to get this one done is huge for me. If one good thing came from having nothing to do this summer and no friends to do the nothing with, it was that I got to read a lot. 

Also, about 5 weeks ago I came home from visiting a friend (and her lovely new baby) in Tennessee. After I got out of the car I walked around the property calling for our cats to come inside because it was getting dark. While I was calling, I heard a tiny meow coming from a little ways off, just outside the limits of our property. I walked toward the meowing and what I found was a sick, (mostly) blind, starving, flea and worm infested kitten. I crept toward him, afraid that I would scare him away, but he walked cautiously toward me. As soon as he was close enough, I could tell he was really sick, so I scooped him up and brought him inside to the food. He devoured it! (then he later spent all night throwing it up...note to self: if you find a starving animal, ration its food until their stomach can handle it.) He was tiny. I took him to the vet the next morning and found out he weighed 1.1 pounds at 6-8 weeks old! By the next week, when I took him for a check up, he was already 2.1 pounds!

(This was the first night I found him. You can tell how small his body is compared to his head and ears,and you can see the infection in his eyes. He loves sitting/laying on shoulders.)

(Since he is mostly blind, I am not about to let him roam around outside like the other cats, so I got him a harness! He isn't a huge fan, but he tolerates it because he loves going outside. Here he is on my shoulder again.)

It took him a while, but he's gotten back his playfulness and his curiosity. He loves to run and play with the other cats (even when they don't want to play with him). He is fully healed from all of his infections and parasites! His eyes, however were left permanently damaged. He can maybe see a little bit...there are moments when I am convinced he is completely blind and then he does watching the movement of another cat's tail just before he pounces...and I think maybe he can see a little. Either way, he is an amazing little cat.

We named him Clive. After (Clive Staples) C.S. Lewis.

(I literally took this picture an hour ago. He was watching me do homework. Look how big he's gotten!)

I love my little cat to pieces!

A week or two before I found him I was talking to my mom about how badly I wanted a kitten. She told me that I wasn't allowed to get another cat...

God had other plans. =)