
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Running from running

Running. Not my thing. I'm trying to make it my thing...but after just one day, I'm feeling the incessant urge to call it quits. Running is just so boring! and hard! I would much rather Zumba or elliptical my way into being in shape...but I also have this ridiculous desire to run in races. My feelings are contradictory and it's obnoxious. 

I just know there is so much good that can come from being outside in nature! I love how simple an action it is. It doesn't really require thought or much planning, you just put on your shoes and go! I do have to say that  I love running on the bike trail that's right off campus because, if you go far enough, the trail goes right through the middle of this patch of trees and then a little further on the path, you go through this beautiful grassy area! I freaking love nature. God did SUCH a good job putting this earth together in such a way as to awe me every time I step out the front door. 

Anyways, my plan is to keep on with the running thing and hopefully, when I get better at it, I won't want to quit as much. Fingers crossed! 

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit,
who is in you, 
whom you have received from God? 
You are not your own; 
you were bought at a price. 

Therefore honor God with your body.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20

(Note: I don't think this verse is actually about being 'in shape'. In context, it is about abstaining from sexual immorality, however, I think the point still stands. We need to honor God with our bodies in all aspects of our lives.

Monday, February 18, 2013


For Lent this year, I decided to give up soda! So far, so good, but yesterday was rough...All I wanted was a Dr. Pepper w/easy ice from Sonic during Happy Hour. 

I guess the cravings will become less and less intense the longer I stay without it, which is comforting...but isn't the point of Lent, and any other fast, to separate yourself from whatever luxuries you have in order to focus more wholly on God? To make my life a little less pleasant to suffer with Christ? So, I guess the cravings for soda are really just reminders that God is more important to my life than soda. 
When I put it like that it makes the soda thing seem petty. 

Matthew 4:4 & Deuteronomy 8:3 -
"man does not live on bread alone 
but on every word that comes 
from the mouth of the Lord."

Friday, February 15, 2013

Beginning in the Middle

I am not quite sure where I want this to go...starting something without having an end in mind is never a good thing.

Perhaps I'll discuss theology, Christianity, philosophy, or psychology, human nature, counseling, or health, cooking, vegetarianism, or traveling, culture, adventure, or grad school, anxieties, life. One thing, however, is certain: I will talk about my cats.

Here's a little preview.

After this undeniably cute cat picture, 

I'll leave you with this:

Isaiah 60:19-20
The sun shall be no more 
your light by day,
nor for brightness shall the moon
give you light:
But the Lord will be your everlasting light.
And your God will be your glory.
Your sun shall no more go down,
nor your moon withdraw itself;
for the Lord will be your everlasting light,
and your days of mourning shall be ended.