Running. Not my thing. I'm trying to make it my thing...but after just one day, I'm feeling the incessant urge to call it quits. Running is just so boring! and hard! I would much rather Zumba or elliptical my way into being in shape...but I also have this ridiculous desire to run in races. My feelings are contradictory and it's obnoxious.
I just know there is so much good that can come from being outside in nature! I love how simple an action it is. It doesn't really require thought or much planning, you just put on your shoes and go! I do have to say that I love running on the bike trail that's right off campus because, if you go far enough, the trail goes right through the middle of this patch of trees and then a little further on the path, you go through this beautiful grassy area! I freaking love nature. God did SUCH a good job putting this earth together in such a way as to awe me every time I step out the front door.
I just know there is so much good that can come from being outside in nature! I love how simple an action it is. It doesn't really require thought or much planning, you just put on your shoes and go! I do have to say that I love running on the bike trail that's right off campus because, if you go far enough, the trail goes right through the middle of this patch of trees and then a little further on the path, you go through this beautiful grassy area! I freaking love nature. God did SUCH a good job putting this earth together in such a way as to awe me every time I step out the front door.
Anyways, my plan is to keep on with the running thing and hopefully, when I get better at it, I won't want to quit as much. Fingers crossed!
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit,
who is in you, whom you have received from God?
who is in you, whom you have received from God?
You are not your own;
you were bought at a price.
Therefore honor God with your body.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
(Note: I don't think this verse is actually about being 'in shape'. In context, it is about abstaining from sexual immorality, however, I think the point still stands. We need to honor God with our bodies in all aspects of our lives.
Go you!